Donald Trump Says: Transgender People No More allowed In US military. It’s very harsh decision taken by United State President Donald Trump on Wednesday 26th July 2017. He said on Twitter that “cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs. And disruption that transgender in the military would entail”
Donald John Trump is US 45th president who is ruling currently US country. He was a television and business personality before he entered politics.
The decision to ban transgender people in the military has begun defiance and anger in US military services sector. Trump has made all people surprise with this declaration of this decision on the Twitter social media platform. Apart from this trump has announced to return back the existing transgender people from military after effect of this decision in military services.

Donald Trump Says: Transgender People No More allowed In US Military
To undertake a fermenting fight on Capitol Hill over whether taxpayer money ought to pay for hormone therapy and gender transition to transgender people in military services. Because of this reason already killed around $790 billion security. And defense security set planned for a vote this week. Transgender people come from various regions to serve US military but after this harsh decision. Donald John Trump US President Says: Transgender People No More allowed in US Military will take these people to an annoyance stage.
Apart from this some transgender advocacy and civil rights already criticized this policy. And vowing to encounter this in court against President Donald Trump. On another hand, this policy would affect around 1.3 million officers who are currently serving the US military. Around 3,000 to 11,000 active officers are transgender as per based on a study of RAND Corporation appointed under the Pentagon.

Donald Trump Says: Transgender People No More allowed In US Military
How are transgender born?
Some people have a perception that transgender people are mutants. These people gender is quite different from the gender with they were born, the shorthand phrase is ‘trans’ generally used for transgender people. When a baby born doctor says that it’s a baby boy. As per looks and gender but characteristic and comprehension are different what expected when they were born. For example, a woman with transgender identity is living in the world but she was male at the time she was born. On another hand, a transgender man is surviving as male but he was born as female gender. Here one more thing should be cleared, that few transgender people are neither male nor female. As their identity is a combination of both male and female.

Donald Trump Says: Transgender People No More allowed In US Military
The decision of US president Trump 2017 Says: Transgender People No More allowed in US Military, will make annoy environment. Among people in the US as well as transgender who are serving US military for a long time period.