As a matter of fact, who will win the mythical domains of Westeros among nine Noble families? We all have the same question after “Game of Thrones Season 7”. Enduing the fans about the finale of American TV show “Game of Thrones” completed its seven seasons this year on August 27. After Season 7 showrunners David Benioff and Dan Wiess are doing work on season 8 with erstwhile directors Miguel Sapochnik and David Nutter. Based on the storylines of “A Song of Ice and Fire” the Game of Thrones series has made a huge set of story-bounded tales among the world’s audience. Here we are speaking and discussing main and lead role star cast and characters in Game of Thrones just have a look-
Starting from Ned Stark’s execution in Game of Thrones cast season 1 the famous TV series had grown to world’s audience. While in the battles of “Game of Thrones” each character had own chronicles. In season 7” ensembles casting was on just right line and particularly longstanding. The Iron Throne of Seven Kingdoms is the prime target for all nine noble families in Westores and the continents of Essos. If we talk about setting records of extremely popular series” The Game of Thrones”, then the finale episodes of seven season was watched by around 12 million viewers in the US. This was not at first instant but before this, the HBO’s famous series made many records through its increasing viewers. According to HBO, the finale of the “Game ” was viewed by 16.5 million people.
Character and Casting of TV Series Game of Thrones Episodes–
On the whole characters we are just here to talk about a few of them. If we let it chew over all casting in the GOT series, all characters are splendid until the season 7.

a character of GOT Eddard Stark
Eddard Stark, ruler (Sean Bean) of the one realm of Westeros was extraordinarily moral fibre in the first season. Lord Stark has five children Robb (Richard Madden) the eldest, Sansa (Sophie Turner), Arya (Maisie Williams), Bran (Isaac Wright) and the Youngest Rickon (Art Pariknson).

a character of GOT PETER DINKLAGE
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion is leading principal from the “first season of Game of Thrones”. He is the most privileged casting in entire series till season 7. On a network primetime show, Peter Dinklage was fifth most paid pin-up on American TV shows ($ 1.1 million per episode).

jon snow
Jon Snow (Kit Harington) is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen (late prince of Dragonstone). But he is obtainable as the bastard son of Lord Eaddard Stark. Jon Snow formally attends the Winterfell’s martial teaching. In season 7, the newly stated king Jon Snow prepared more and more fighters including women and girls with able-bodied and equipped people.

Jaime Lannister
Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is the eldest son of Tywin and older brother of Tyrion Lannister. From the starting of “Game of Thrones,” he is making his individual strategy. In “Season 7 of Game of Thrones” Jaime was leading the joint Lannister-Tarly throng along with Bronn Randyall and Dickon Tarly in the battering against high garden.
Main Characters of Game of Thrones Seasons

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), younger sister of Rhaeger Targaryen and Visrerys Targaryen. She is the youngest child of Areys Targaryen(Targaryen -2) and Rahella Targaryen. With émigré in Esoss , she lived with Dragon . Looking toward the Iron Thrones of Seven Kingdoms, she asserted with creating alliances and army along the way in “Game of Thrones Season 7 ”.

Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister (Lena Heady), Queen of Seven Kingdoms and daughter of Tywin Lannister is a widow of King Robert Baratheon. The cunning lady queen of Seven Kingdoms is awfully striving and stubborn. From the first season of Game of Thrones, she is subtle and politically perceptive. Making rash for her actions have been frequent decisions to all in the Stark’s land.

Arya Stark
Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) is a younger girl in Stark’s daughters, played her roll in the east and to the city of Braavos. The immense lass in Stark’s family is courageous and autonomous in the form of women partaking. Killing Lord Walder she was honoured by all sons of Lord Walder .
Names of Game of Thrones Characters

Joffrey Baratheon
Joffrey Baratheon (Jack Gleeson) Joffrey Baratheon was the second king to get a hold on the Iron Thrones. The coward boy of King Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister comes into the political marriage with Ned Stark’s girl. Having brutal, atrocious behaviour he gets pleasure from the distress of others. By his hastiness and self- inspection he decidedly influenced on his family.

Petyr Baelish
In addition, Petyr Baelish (Aidan Gillen) Petyr is a sneaky (little finger) callous temperament whose gift of social manipulating and manoeuvring is suspicious to embrace. The utmost clever cast in the show however completely manipulates everyone. The efficient and be in motion clever character till “Game of Thrones Season 7” as the rules against everyone through his scheming.

Sandor Clegane
Sandor Clegane “The Hound” (Rory McCann) Sandor is one of the best characters in the whole series of “Game of Thrones”. He is also making the role as the best anti-hero on the show. His relationship with Arya is most unique where no relation was on the show ever. An accomplished combatant is granting service in Lannister house.
Lead Characters of Game of Thrones All Seasons
On the other hand, after “Game of Thrones season 7”, viewers and huge fans of the horrific and adventuring series are willing to watch “Game of Thrones Season 8” the incoming year of 2018. What will be the end of this most popular series with season 8? Who will get the Iron Throne of Seven Kingdoms? These all questions are part of the best mysterious Game of Thrones in Westero. Last season of this series is expected to come in the summer of 2018.