Stress and depression are commonplace nowadays with people struggling to cope with the increasing pressures of life. The rise in social media has added to that, with the feeling of constant comparison between people certainly not helping the cause. Plus, mental illnesses are considered taboo in most parts of the world, with a certain kind of stigma associated with them. This stigma leads to people not reaching out to a doctor when they start feeling the symptoms, thus escalating their illness further. If you feel that you don’t have a serious mental illness and that you are just feeling low with mild levels of stress, then there are quick ways for your mental well being through which you can decrease your stress and get back to living a happy, cheerful life.
Here are 12 methods that can help bring back that full-fledged smile back on your face:

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Both yoga and meditation have a plethora of health benefits, ranging from reducing anxiety, relieving depression, improving heart health, instilling a sense of peace and many many more.
Here are a few of them:
- Improved concentration and focus
- Increased flexibility
- Emotional boost
- Enhanced immunity
- Weight loss
- A boost in energy levels
- Improved fitness
- More mindfulness
- Maintain a balanced metabolism
- Better sleep quality

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Exercise not only benefits your physical health but is also influential in enhancing your mental health.
When you exercise, your body releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins in your brain that reduce stress and boost your mood. According to a study conducted by the University College London, exercising three times a week decreases your risk of being depressed by around 19%. Outdoor exercising especially is more beneficial as exposure to sunlight aids your body in producing vitamin D, which in turn boosts the level of serotonin in the brain.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Eat Healthy
Eating healthy foods is essential for a sound mind and body. Junk food not only degrades your physical health but it also makes you feel miserable and sluggish. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet along with brain-boosting foods like spinach and walnuts. Avoid skipping meals and eat a nutritious breakfast to begin your day with.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Wake Up Early
Having a proper sleep routine is pivotal for excellent mental health
“Early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise”
Almost everyone would have heard of this proverb in their childhood but there are very few people who actually implement it in their lives and reap the benefits of this healthy habit. Cultivating the habit of getting up early in the morning could be life-changing, enhancing your mental well-being in a big way. Along with a regular sleeping and waking up time, you should also practice some good habits which affect your quality of sleep like not consuming caffeinated drinks after 5 pm and avoiding the use of screens at least an hour before going to bed.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
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Communicate With Family & Friends
Communicating and discussing your issues with family and friends can significantly ease your stress and make you feel relaxed to a certain extent. So just talk with someone you trust and let things off your mind.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Take a Vacation
A change of location can do wonders for your mood & health. Take a well-deserved vacation and let yourself free of all tensions & worries. Exploring new places, people and just enjoying nature can enhance your overall happiness and mood substantially, changing your perspective towards life. Choose a place nearby water as research shows that being near the ocean can make you calmer.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Listen to Music
One of the simplest mental well-being tips to relieve stress and cheer yourself up is to listen to your favorite songs. Listening to music can reduce the levels of cortisol(stress hormone), thus boosting your mood.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Adopt a Pet
Adopting a pet could be one of the best things you could do for your mental well-being. Not only does a cat or dog reduce your loneliness but they also get you outside and moving. They decrease your stress levels and love you unconditionally, helping you out of difficult times and making you smile.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Always remember that “Service to man is service to god”. Giving back to the community is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Helping those in need not only gets you the blessings of people but it also makes you feel good about yourself, improving your emotional health in the process.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Limit Use of Gadgets
Social media has become a major cause of concern when it comes to mental health. Research suggests that people can feel symptoms of depression by using Facebook, courtesy of the constant social comparison with friends and family. People don’t understand that everyone is unique in their own way and that comparing yourself to others simply doesn’t make any sense when it comes to the bigger picture. This just leads to an increase in stress and a deterioration in mental health.
In addition, smartphones, tablets & laptops are also known to overstimulate the brain, which again doesn’t do any favors for your mental health. So just take a break from your gadgets and make a sincere effort to keep them away for a prolonged period of time.

Find Out 11 Simple And Quick Ways For Your Mental Well Being
Consult a Doctor
If you feel that the stress is getting too much or you could have a serious mental disorder. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor and explain your problems in-detail to him. Medical professionals are trained to understand anxiety and depression, and even talking with them can give you good mental health tips and a great help in managing your symptoms, reframing some of the negative thoughts you experience and coping with your difficulties.
Additionally, there are also a lot of quick ways for your mental well being for treating mental illnesses like behavioral therapy, talk therapy and more. Only a trained professional can figure out which method is best for you and prescribe the appropriate medication and steps to relieve you of your mental illness.
The quick ways for your mental well being listed above are very effective in reducing stress and enhancing mental health. But it is always advisable to consult a doctor first and seek his guidance on treating your mental health issues.