Shifting to a new school is always going to be a strenuous process for a student, irrespective of when he changes the school. For younger children, the transition is going to be tougher still. It becomes clear that problems while switching daycares need to be addressed.
In this article, we share with you some strategies and tips that make sure that your child is able to comfortably adapt to the new school environment. By following these tips, the transition stays successful and smooth.
The child is unlikely to take it nicely when he is required to adjust to a new routine and unfamiliar faces
Moving to a new school is seldom a matter of just moving on. Children who have shifted to a new school and their parents will bear testimony to the fact. There are even cases wherein this comes by as the biggest hurdle in parenting.
This becomes more so the case when we consider the initial process of adjusting to a new school environment. For parents and children alike, this turns out to be an intimidating experience.
This one’s the most important point for addressing problems while switching daycares. When the levels of support and preparation are up to the mark, parents can support their children in adjusting to the new environment. This will ensure that the children rise with flying colors.
Top tips that will help children overcome the school transition anxiety
These tips have been shared by Dr. Anita Madan, who is the curriculum development head at EuroKids.
1. Research different schools by visiting them
Before you choose to enroll your child in any daycare center, it becomes a must to research it over the Internet. You may also feel obliged to go and visit the daycare center yourself before your child starts visiting the school. You should do it.
Visit many centers iteratively to choose the best one for your child. This will make it easier to collect information associated with their accreditations, staff qualifications, and programs.
The physical observation will also help choose the best-suited daycare center for your child’s requirements. So, you may choose to meet up with the staff members and observe how their interaction with the children progresses.
You may choose to refrain from selecting the closest daycare center available as the ideal school for your child. Instead, do not refrain from commuting further, as and when required.
2. Ease into the schedule, slowly and gradually
To make sure that your child does not fret over the schedule upon joining the new daycare center, adjust his schedule a couple of weeks before he joins. When your child gets used to the routine, the transition becomes easier.
If your child has lunch at 2 PM and he’d be required to eat at noon at the daycare center, consider serving the meal earlier to your child.
3. Take time out to know the people
Before your child joins school, take time out to know his teachers and peers by visiting the daycare center. When you mention your classmates’ names to him, he’ll discover joy.
It is then recommended to exchange numbers with the parents of your child’s peers. You can seek recommendations regarding the new location.
4. Set up a daily routine

If you are switching your child’s school, the focus has to lie on changing the daily routine. For all daily activities, this makes your child more confident.
So, a routine needs to be in place for pick-ups and drops. Set a time for your child’s naps and meals. When you first fix habits and are then able to stick to them, the transition will be easier to manage.
5. Interact with the child’s school
Lines of communication with the child’s school need to be open. Adjustment to the new environment simplifies this way. Share your concerns or queries with the staff. For your child’s progress, assess regular updates.
Contact the school now and then to see how your child is progressing. Interact with your child as well. That will deliver cues, but avoid being interrogative.
You could discuss your child’s favorite activity or if he made any new friends that day.
6. Being patient is a must
Your child might take time to adjust to the new environment, and you are required to be patient in this phase. Render your encouragement and support in all instances required. You will discover that your child is delighted to be in the new environment.
Visiting your child at the school every now and then will be a fine idea.
In this article, we have discussed the common problems while switching daycares and how to overcome them. Your child is going to adjust to the new school better if he feels involved. So, before his first day at school, take him to the daycare center such that he can meet the staff and interact with them. He could also explore the place alongside. Interaction with the school, on your behalf, will let the child overcome any concerns he has. Let the child do some shopping such that he stays happier.
As time passes, your child will find happiness in being at his new daycare center.