A large portion of the population is struggling with weight issues these days. Many people believe that not eating is the only solution to lose that extra flab. However, this is absolutely untrue. Rina diet is a unique diet plan that does not stop you from eating the delicacies you enjoy. But just demands that you change the pattern of their consumption. Rina diet is alternatively which people know as the 4 days lose weight in 90 days. It is gaining acceptance among people keen on finding a healthy solution to how to lose weight. It is an exceptionally effective method that is equally healthy and easy to include in your daily life. The problem with crash diets is that though they make you lose weight fast. And give you a feeling that you have achieved your set health target. It is only temporary and you again start to put on weight once you start leading your routine life. On the other hand, as Rina diet takes it slowly from the beginning the results it produces are for long term.

How The Rina Diet Can Help You Lose Weight in 90 Days
How to Lose Weight
The best part about choosing Rina Diet is the fact that it comes with no strict regulations. You can eat whatever you want but you must know when and how to eat. This kind of diet actually has scientific backing and is based on the human body’s insufficiency to process different types of food together. It can be shocking to know that many of the digestive issues, as well as problems related to weight, are generally caused because people keep stuffing their stomachs with a variety of food items in a single meal or a single day, to be more precise.

How The Rina Diet Can Help You Lose Weight in 90 Days
Working Principle of Rina Diet
Rina Diet is based on the principle that a person should eat four types of main foods, consuming one type of food a day following the 4 days pattern, which repeats every 90 days weight loss workout plan. It is from this principle that the diet has received its alternative names.
This is not a crash diet where you shed pounds quickly. But it is a 90 days weight loss workout plan that spans over 3 months and helps you lose weight permanently. In this matter, it is not a diet in itself but a lifestyle change that improves your metabolism and gives you control over your temptations.

How The Rina Diet Can Help You Lose Weight in 90 Days
It is based on the following principles:
- Only fruits for breakfast: You should eat only fruits for breakfast as they help in boosting your metabolism and do not overburden your digestive system.
- You should keep a check on your time to eat: You should have your breakfast between 7 a.m and 11 a.m., the lunch timing should be between 12 a.m. and 2 p.m. Whereas your dinner should fall between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. It is also important to not take any snacks in between. And you must not deviate from these set timings if you truly want to see visible results.
- Dinner quantity: During your dieting period of 90 days your dinner should always be half the quantity of what you have eaten for lunch.
- Cardio exercises: It is essential that you do some sort of cardio exercise. Such as running or jogging, at least 5 days a week to accelerate the working of Rina diet. It is also recommended to have 7 to 10 tall glasses of filtered water every day to keep your body adequately hydrated.

How The Rina Diet Can Help You Lose Weight in 90 Days
Four Day Diet Cycle of Rina Diet
Day 1- Protein Day
- Breakfast- Fruits as well as nuts.
- Lunch: Have protein-rich food items such as eggs, lean meat, fish and dairy products
- Dinner: Consume the same protein-rich diet but half the quantity of lunch.

How The Rina Diet Can Help You Lose Weight in 90 Days
Day 2- Starch Day
- Breakfast: Fruits which can be accompanied by nuts.
- Lunch: Have boiled or roasted vegetables like corns, peas, lentils, potatoes and green leafy veggies.
- Dinner: Half the amount of vegetables you had for lunch.
Day 3- Carbohydrates Day or 90 Days Diet Plan
- Breakfast: Have fresh fruits along with nuts and seeds.
- Lunch: You can consume vegetable pasta or pizza without cheese. You can even have an ice cream or a slice of cake on this day in your 90 Days Diet Plan.
- Dinner: Everything you had for lunch but in half the quantity.
Day 4- Vitamins Day
- Breakfast: Consume fresh fruits, and seeds if you like.
- Lunch: Have steamed or raw vegetables and fruits for lunch. Have legumes, seeds, fruits and a green salad.
- Dinner: All the fruits and vegetables you had for dinner. But in half the amount, then you can see 90 days weight loss results.

How The Rina Diet Can Help You Lose Weight in 90 Days
After completing these 4 days, you should start again from the protein day and continue to do so for 3 months. The Day 29 is the main day of Rina diet in which you should spend the whole day drinking only water. And not consuming any food item. And in this way, you will be going to lose weight in 90 days. Also, you will learn how to lose weight in 90 days diet plan. If you find it difficult to follow, then you can go with the Vitamin’s Day.