Kidneys are very important organs of our body. They remove unwanted particles from the blood and throw them out of the body through urine. There are lots of toxins in our kidneys that need to be flushed out from the body by drinking plenty of water. That helps kidney stone removal naturally if you have the stone disease. Our kidney needs to be in healthy condition to perform the basic functions like filtering the impure blood entering the kidney and then returning the clean blood to the body for circulation and removing the waste from the body through urine. But if we do not drink sufficient amount of water the accumulation of the toxins in the kidney increases and this leads to kidney stones. These stones then move into the ureter and cause severe pain.
It is very important to remove the kidney stones naturally from the body and if the kidney stones are small they can be removed from the urinary tract naturally. But when the kidney stones are larger one might have to opt for surgery which takes a lot of time to heal afterward. So, it is better for our health to remove the kidney stones naturally from the body when it is small. Here is a list of some of the effective ways to remove kidney stones from the body naturally without having to go through under the knife.
Drinking Sufficient Amount of Water
Dehydration is the main cause of kidney stones so drinking plenty of water will help how to get rid of kidney stones naturally without surgery as water enters the kidneys and dissolves the toxins present in the kidney. So drinking water helps the passing of the present kidney stones and also stops the formation of kidney stones further.
Basil Leaves

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Basil leaves are known for their great medicinal effects and they are known to encourage the kidneys to remove the kidney stones naturally. Basil leaves detoxify and reduces the uric acid levels in the kidneys and also acts as a painkiller. For making the paste of Basil leaves it is important to crush at least 3-4 leaves basil leaves.
Watermelon Seeds

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Watermelon seeds are very good for the health and how to relieve kidney stone pain fast well- known for their laxative properties. Watermelon seeds act as a strong cleanser and flush out the toxins and other wastes in the kidneys. This improves the functions of the kidneys and also controls the blood pressure in the body which is necessary for healthy kidneys. A liter of water should be boiled and a paste of watermelon seeds should be added it and cooked for half an hour and then after cooling it down should be strained and consumed.
Baking Soda

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Baking soda is very effective for removing kidney stones naturally because of the acid present in baking soda chemically neutral the uric acid of the kidney stones. Also helps to decrees size, Reduces the swelling of kidneys and the urinary tract. ½ teaspoon of baking soda should be mixed in a glass of water and drank every day.

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Celery is a very effective way to treat kidney stones because celery fastens the process of water elimination from the kidneys, re-balances the alkaline levels in the kidneys and also encourages the production of urine which helps to remove the kidney stones further. A bunch of celery leaves should be boiled in a pot of water, strained and taken daily.
Corn Hair

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Corn hair found on corn husk is a very effective way to treat kidney stones as corn hair increases the flow of urine, reduces the swelling of kidneys and also acts a painkiller. A handful of corn hair should be boiled in a cup of water for ten minutes, strained and then cooled and should be drinking every day.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
The combination of lemon juice and olive oil is a very effective way to get rid of kidney stones naturally. The acidic properties of lemon juice reduce the size of the kidney stones, reduce the formation of kidney stones and also improve the life of the kidneys. Olive oil helps in the removal of kidney stones from the body and also provides lubrication so that the kidney stones pass out naturally. 2 teaspoons of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice should be mixed and drank every day.
Kidney Beans

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Kidney beans are rich in fiber and are very effective for treating any kind of kidney diseases. Kidney beans can be boiled in a saucepan of water on low flame for 2-3 hours, strained and then stored and this water can drink several times a day which will be very beneficial for the health.
Pomegranate Juice

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Pomegranate juice helps to treat kidney stones because it levels the uric acid in the kidneys and breaks down the stones and then it easily passes out from the body. Pomegranate juice also hydrates our body. One cup of pomegranate juice should be mixed with two cups of water, strained and then consumed.
- Radish Juice

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Radish juice is very effective in treating kidney stones because the minerals present in radish juice breaks down the kidney stones and eases out their passage. Half a cup of radish pieces should be boiled in water cooked for half an hour and strained and then drank every day.
Banana Stem

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Banana stem breaks down the kidney stones and is a very effective way to remove kidney stones naturally. A half cup of the chopped banana stem should be soaked in milk overnight and then sugar and a pinch of cinnamon powder should be added to it in the morning mixed and then consumed.
Apple Cider Vinegar

A List of 12 Natural and Effective Ways to Remove Kidney Stones without Going Under the Knife
Apple Cider Vinegar is very effective in treating kidney stones because it contains citric acid which helps to melt the kidney stones and also its alkalizing properties remove the toxins from the body and cleans the kidneys. Two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar should be mixed in a glass of warm water and drank daily.
So, people with kidney stones can use these effective ways to get rid of their kidney stones removal naturally and get relief and lead a healthy life.