When it comes to important elements of life like travel, the rich are often fastidious and take it as a serious concern. Ultra-High Net Worth individuals are not comfortable to wait around on regular flights, go through regular security checks and therefore drive right up and fly at a moment’s notice. You will read here about recently announced JetSmarterfree trial membership.

JetSmarter’s 60-day Trial Membership Attracts the ‘loaded jetsetter’
Jet Smarter Free Membership
The American members-only mobile community for shared and private flights – JetSmarter announced its JetSmarterfree trial membership on 1st May which was marked as a major step by the company. It stated in a release that they will offer a complimentary 60-day free trial JetSmarter membership. Eligibility for the trial membership required one to be a beholder of either charter expenses over $50,000, an existing jet card, aircraft ownership or membership with another private jet company.
Membership of JetSmarter
With the introduction of this scheme, JetSmarter has clearly targeted the Ultra High Net worth Individuals who mostly find themselves above the clouds on private jets by means of either charter, jet cards, fractional ownership or ownership of private jets. Apart from other privileges, membership of JetSmarter’s would ensure that members would have access to empty legs in quality aircraft, access to helicopter transfers in selected cities, and a 24X7 concierge.

JetSmarter’s 60-day Trial Membership Attracts the ‘loaded jetsetter’
“We’re happy to extend this offer to help simplify travel for those who own a jet or charter through various providers. By chartering or being a jet card holder, you may be saving time but you’re not saving money. This is the JetSmarter difference and we’re encouraging jetsetters to see for themselves”JetSmarter’s CEO and Founder – Sergey Petrossov said.

JetSmarter’s 60-day Trial Membership Attracts the ‘loaded jetsetter’
Since its launch, JetSmarter is popular for launching plans which have garnered interest amongst flyers of all kind. From promoting flying for people who earlier thought that they can’t afford private jets to targeting celebrities and through JetSmarterfree trial membership. Last year on June, JetSmarter gave away free membership for frequent flyers to ditch their commercial airlines and experience private jet travel at affordable prices. With a business model of providing cheaper private air travel with added perks, JetSmarter has been able to attract both the rich and the aspirers.