Are we ready for the recession that is coming towards us? Big Information Technology Companies MNC’s like Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant & Infosys laid off their employees in seconds. Is it a big threat which is coming towards us slowly.
The recession happens when we are least expecting it. Every thing seems good at one moment and its worst the next. The Sad part is we don’t even know how easily it happens.
Years back getting into IT jobs were so easy, the huge workforce was employed, many campus placements were held. A large portion of youth was happy to get a job in Big IT companies, families were happy as they got their kids employed at an early age without much struggle.
But when we see today’s scenario the most unstable & insecure job we have is to IT companies. One gets laid off in a day. Going to office one day & sitting at home next day.
Males who have families, kids, EMI’s & so many other liabilities on them become jobless.
Thousands of people are laid off / terminated from the organizations. In fact, the numbers given is much less than the actual layoffs. The organizations laid off double the number of employees than they have heard.
Another Industry apart from IT who is soon going to face recession is E- Commerce. They are also the ones who are going to reduce the workforce soon.
Some say we cannot judge it just by seeing the happenings around the world. Is it so?
Well may be or may not be. We still hope for the best because when we talk of Indian IT sector. We have our clients that are from all around the world, There could be a possibility of less danger.
As Big Nations are hiring Information Technology Companies Professionals from India, it would be difficult for them to find such skilled workers in their own nation at relatively low compensation.
Indian Students are trained on a higher level than them & there’s no doubt in that. We have many thousands of fresh chunks of people graduating every year.
Still, we say it to everyone whether employee or employer, keep yourself updated with all new technologies that are coming across. This is the only way to save yourself from an unexpected layoff.
It might be hard to increase the earning but it’s always easy to increase the earning skills. Be aware of all the latest trends in the market & all the new technologies.
If you are aware of it, no one can take your job from you. Which organization wants to lose a good employee. All they want to get rid of stubborn people who are not adaptable to the new changes that are coming across.
At the end, Keep yourself updated and acquainted with the new methodologies.