Beginning a workout routine can be very challenging. You have to consider a lot of things including your schedule, your ability to execute the exercises, the necessary equipment, and more so you can maximize the benefits you get out of it. To help you achieve your fitness goals, here are some beginner workouts and tips how to get fit for beginners that you can try at home:

3 Beginner Workouts That You Can Do At Home
Squats are best when you want to know how to get fit at home without any equipment. As there are many types of squat to get you started – front, back, box, and goblet squats. You will feel your entire body stretching and unleashing tension when you do squats. However, make sure you don’t commit the most common mistakes when executing this exercise. Some of these mistakes include not setting up properly (when you use a barbell), failing to push the hips back, and not reaching the proper depth.
To do basic squats (without a barbell or dumbbell), straighten your back, push your hips backward, and have enough space between your legs so you feel comfortable sitting down.

3 Beginner Workouts That You Can Do At Home
Forward Lunges
Your starting position is a standing position with your feet around 6 inches apart from one another. Your toes should point forward. Inhale for each step forward using one leg and drop down to 90 degrees for both knees with the knee behind touching the ground.

3 Beginner Workouts That You Can Do At Home
Push Ups
In doing push ups, it is important to keep your body as straight as possible. Do not drop your hips or put your butt up on high resembling like a reverse letter V. Your chest should be a few inches from the surface each time you go down.
You see, you can start a workout routine without any gym equipment, but if you so desire to make your workout more fun, why not try the vibrating plates? You can perform squats, lunges, push ups, planks, and more be using this piece of gym equipment. It will help you lose extra pounds much faster.
Bonus Tips for how to get fit for beginners
We all want to know how to get fit and healthy. Being fit is not only a destination, it is also a way of life. It is not enough that you exercise regularly. You also have to commit yourself to living a healthy lifestyle. Now, to help you get the results you have always wanted, make sure that you also do the following:
- Have a healthy diet
- Get away from vices like smoking, drinking liquors, and even binge eating
- Drink plenty of water and this means replacing other fluids like juice and soda with water
- Get enough sleep every single day
- Shake off the negativities in your life because your body is directly affected by the amount of stress you have
- Eat more fruits and vegetables and always go for fresh ones
Nothing is impossible if you really want something. The key is being consistent with your efforts and creating healthy habits instead of depriving yourself from foods or over exercising. The go hard or go home technique don’t work either. Remember, what you reap right away will eventually backfire. You will know when you’re doing it right when you see results gradually like having your previously fitted clothes loose and feeling healthy inside. After all, you don’t want a skinny body, you want a fit and healthy one, don’t you?