How did Halloween start? Halloween as name defines ghosts, saints it is basically a holiday. It is celebrated on 31st October every year, which has origins in the tradition of age-old European. It is rooted with the Celtic ancient occasion of Samhain, people light up the bonfire and wear ghosts costumes. Here we will discuss more Halloween history, facts and rituals followed by Americans.
Why Halloween celebrated?. Pope Gregory III, in the eighth century elected 1st November, to honor all saints, soon Entirely Saints Day originated certain of the tradition of Samhain.
This day evening is also called as Hallows Eve and later known as Halloween. Throughout the time Halloween, later on, changed the full day of events included carving jack-o-lanterns and trick-or-treating. On the day of Halloween festival, children are asked to come in ghosts dresses in schools. The scary pumpkins are very scary on the day of Halloween. Generally, Americans decorate their home outdoor ghosts decorations on this festival of Halloween.

The Halloween Facts, History, Ghosts And Why It Is Celebrated?
Halloween facts
Halloween day is also a sign of summer end and beginning of the winter and dark. Celts ancient assumed that before the New Year night, death became blurred between the boundaries of the worlds living. 31st October, the night is celebrated Samhain, when it was considered that dead ghosts came back on the earth.

The Halloween Facts, History, Ghosts And Why It Is Celebrated?
What is TRICK-OR-TREAT concept?
Trick-Or-Treat is an activity on which Americans wear a various dress and go house to house and ask for money, food. It is a part of Halloween festival, which gradually became a tradition of trick-or-tradition. After a century of 1800, Halloween day has become a party day for both adults and children in America. And parties are focused on season fruits, festive costumes, and games.

The Halloween Facts, History, Ghosts And Why It Is Celebrated?
How Americans Celebrate Halloween?
Due to old and ancients, people this day was born as a tradition in America. American spends around $6 billion on this day to celebrate Halloween. In this way, Halloween became a second largest festival and commercial holiday after Christmas.

The Halloween Facts, History, Ghosts And Why It Is Celebrated?
Soul Cakes Mean?
Soul Cakes means on this day poor people ask for food from families in America and they give them pastries, which is called “Soul Cakes”. It is a way of praying for dead people of families and relatives. Church has encouraged distribution of the soul cakes, which is followed by kids. Kids visit their neighbor’s house to ask money and food. People hang food and moneyboxes out of their houses to escape from ghosts on the Halloween day and avoid them from entering the house.

The Halloween Facts, History, Ghosts And Why It Is Celebrated?
Halloween Black Cats
At present time Halloween is depicted as more scary, fearsome, superstitions and costumes became scarier. On the day Americans don’t cross the paths because of a fear of black cats as scare that they might create us a wicked fortune. These superstitions have emerged from the Egyptians ancients.

The Halloween Facts, History, Ghosts And Why It Is Celebrated?
Matchmaking Halloween
Matchmaking is a process of finding young women husband and assuring them that someday they would get them back. In this, young women chucked up apple peels on their shoulders, and see their future husband shape when apple peels fall on the floor in whatever shape.
These rituals were very competitive and tough. But now people celebrate Halloween as a festival holiday and enjoy this day with their relatives and friends.