Whatsapp messenger is a messenger application that helps to communicate its use free of cost. It includes the end-to-end encrypted exchange of instant messages through smartphones. Even by using this one can make a video as well as audio calls through their internet, even images, documents, GIF images, text message, etc. can be sent through this. This is the renowned application which is used by every person on this planet who has smartphones. It is cheaper and helps to communicate via the internet in all over the world very instantly. Before 8 years back it has been released on January 2009 and became an important part of everybody’s mundane life. Best Messenger App Whats App has many different languages such that people can use the language whichever they want to use. It has a cross-platform operating system which made it worldwide popular.
Best Messenger App Whats App
- Whatsapp Registration: It is very easy to be a part of WhatsApp by using simple steps for registration:
- Install Best Messenger App Whats App application from Google play store.
- Open it.
- After opening it, choose the country, in which you reside.
- Enter your mobile number which you want to use as your WhatsApp number.
- Then apply for the request code which will come on your number.
- Enter the verification code which you will receive.
- You are now registering on WhatsApp.
These 2 Step Verification Process
These 2 step verification process will help to create your account very safely and will also protect your information.
- Whatsapp Status Online: It is the status that makes status visible to those people who is online. On the other hand, there is also the facility to hide the things whichever you don’t want to show others. now you must be thinking that by what method you could able to hide your status from the people you don’t want to show are as follow:
- Go to the Settings.
- Go to the Account.
- Then go to the Privacy.
- Go to the Last Seen which shows Everyone, My Contacts, and Nobody. You can choose any option you want to opt.
- Whatsapp Messages: It contains all the messages which will go to exchange within two parties or more than two parties. You can also make group that helps to broadcast your messages within groups so you don’t need to send same message again to the other person. Messages you can write in different languages such as for Hindi, English, Hinglish etc. It also contains information, jokes, news etc. One can be an update from such activities within a minute.
Whatsapp Status
- Status on Whatsapp: Status is the latest feature which has been created on Best Messenger App Whats App recently in which one can upload any GIF, videos as well as images. Even you are able to see those people who are seeing your status and at what time they are seeing. The visitors can make a reply on it either as a comment or compliment. The most amazing part of it is that the status will automatically delete after 24 hours. You can also update multiples status at a time. You can also customize the setting such that status can see only as you select.
- Whatsapp Contact: Whatsapp will access the phone’s contact and will synchronize the contact in WhatsApp contact such that all the people who are on WhatsApp will be visible. You can also have the option to visible or invisible contacts. One can pin their favorite contacts, block the contact who is teasing you, make achieved messages which are important to keep, etc. Whatsapp contacts will be visible if you select the “Chat” tab then create a new chat. Then all the contacts will be visible to you and you can select any of them to initiate the chat.
Whatsapp on Your Computer
- Whatsapp Messenger on Your Personal Computer: This is the best thing what WhatsApp have. Those people who have a laptop but do not have any smart phone, they can also use this facility through their laptop as well as personal computers by just following some steps are as follows:
- Go to the WhatsApp link i.e. web.whatsapp.com.
- Open the application of WhatsApp on your smart phone.
- Go to the Menu button.
- Select and open the Whatsapp Web.
- Scan the generated QR Code on your Computer Screen from your smart phones.
- Now you are able to navigate your Whatsapp Web as your active session of Whatsapp.
- Whatsapp Download Blackberry: Blackberry users, it is the good news for you that you can access WhatsApp in your smartphones also by following the steps is as under:
- Go to the link of WhatsApp basic site i.e. web.whatsapp.com.
- Now you need to open Whatsapp on your phone
- Blackberry Users: You need to go to “Chats” options followed by “Menu” and then “Whatsapp Web”.
- Blackberry 10 Users: You need to Swipe down your top screen then go to the “Whatsapp Web”.
- Now scan the generated QR Code on the screen of your smart phone.
- Now you can start navigating or handle your WhatsApp account over here.
Whatsapp Popularity
Whatsapp is available everywhere and becomes a basic necessity for every life. In India, approximately 200 Million users are using WhatsApp every month that helps to communicate them easier and faster than any communication to being conversant. People are taking benefits for calls, video calls as well as texting facilities for free. It requires net only and another person whom you want to do that should be present on Whatsapp or must have WhatsApp id or smartphone. Whatsapp’s Co-founder announces that he (Brian Acton) wants to contribute its huge role in the concept of digital making India.
There are many things that make WhatsApp more attractive but most of them will attract towards its easy accessibility and communication which is not given by any other application till yet. There is also such application like Best Messenger App Whats App are available but the conveniences have been provided by WhatsApp will never be provided by any other applications. It has become the easiest and cheapest way to communicate with each other.